The county council’s Flood Risk Management team has made arrangements to use the large meeting room at Ormskirk Civic Hall on Thursday 6 March, for a drop-in event running from 3.30pm to 7.30pm in support of people who have experienced flooding to their homes, business premises and farmland in any of the rainstorms that have impacted West Lancashire over the winter.
The event will be staffed by officers from the county council, West Lancashire Borough Council, the Environment Agency and United Utilities plc, all of whom know the district well and can advise on localised drainage issues, what has been learned from site-specific investigations, and how drainage problems are being corrected or overcome in different ways.
We will also have Flood Hub team members with us, who can advise on understanding flood risks, and flood preparedness/resilience for residents, businesses and land owners who find themselves at repeated risk of flooding.
We would be very grateful if you would pass this information on to your communities where people might appreciate this opportunity for personalised support.
If you have any particular questions about the event, please fell welcome to contact me directly.