Link for tonight’s meeting via Zoom.
Start: Oct 13, 2020 07:30 PM London
Link for tonight’s meeting via Zoom.
Start: Oct 13, 2020 07:30 PM London
We’re delighted you’re thinking about adopting a child with Adoption Lancashire & Blackpool. We understand that it is a big life-changing decision for you and we’re here to help you every step of the way.
We’re a new service bringing together experts from Lancashire County Council and Blackpool Council to help children waiting to be adopted find their family and support you through the adoption process.
Anybody can adopt and we welcome people from all backgrounds and walks of life. If you think you can offer a child a safe and happy home we’d love to hear from you.
From 0800 hours on Saturday 24th
October 2020 until 1700 hours on Sunday 1st November 2020
Downholland from X6616 Plumb Court, Downholland
for a distance of 35m in a Westerly direction (outside the Moor Farm Development)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lancashire County Council intend to make an
Order under Section 14(1) (a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as
amended, the effect of which will be to temporarily prohibit traffic on the roads
set out in this notice.
1. No person shall cause any motor vehicle to proceed over that length of
C104 School Lane, Downholland from X6616 Plumb Court, Downholland
for a distance of 35m in a Westerly direction.
2. Nothing in this order shall apply to persons engaged in the carrying out of
the works.
3. The prohibition will be operative from 0800 hours on Saturday 24th
October 2020 until 1700 hours on Sunday 1st November 2020 or until
completion of the works within this period.
4. An alternative route for vehicular traffic affected by the closure is via:-
C104 School Lane, Downholland – C105 School Lane, Downholland –
C105 Black-A-Moor Lane, Downholland – B5195 Black-A-Moor Lane,
Downholland – A5147 Delf Lane, Downholland – C104 School Lane,
Downholland and vice versa.
The temporary prohibition is necessary to allow the installation of two new
manholes in the carriageway and a new sewer connection to be carried out under
a S50 licence by Oakwood Construction Ltd.
Authority given for this Order to be made:
Peter Bell
Regulation and Enforcement Manager
Highways and Transport
0300 123 6780
[Ref: HRiT/25650/EW]
Dear Residents,
We would like to introduce a Lancashire Talking Community tool through our In The Know messaging system. We have over 45,000 residents in Lancashire who subscribe to the system and Neighbourhood Policing Teams use the system to send police messages to streets, wards or districts. In The Know is supported by Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service and Lancashire County Council.
Lancashire Talking is a community tool and we are inviting residents to answer a few questions to identify their top 5 community issues, so their local Neighbourhood Police Team can prioritise problems in their neighbourhood on the issues that matter most to the local community.
The system can be considered a modern day digital version of our traditional Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and PACT meetings to identifying community concerns, but is more effective as we can involve thousands of residents in setting priorities and we can provide residents with instant updates.
Let us know what matters to you most in your area by answering a few short questions here:
To help protect our employees the Parish Council has stopped emptying the bins on the park and ask all residents to help us out and take your rubbish home.
Following direction from West Lancashire Borough Council and Government advice the children’s play area on Haskayne Jubilee Fields Park has been closed.
The rest of the park remains open for now but please exercise common sense, observe social distancing guidelines and avoid crowds.
Over the last few years the Parish Council has undertaken a program of addressing resident’s concerns regarding speeding. To this end we worked with Lancashire County Council (LCC) and identified seven locations for the placement of a Speed Indicator Sign (SPID).
Consequently, the Parish Council purchased a moveable, battery powered sign and LCC put up six brackets for us. We move the sign round and swap the battery over every 10 days or so. The statistics from the sign show that they do slow drivers down and the average speed has fallen as a result. It’s not perfect but it’s something.
The seventh location is on the bridge on Delf Lane near the Kings Arms, but LCC won’t allow us to have such a sign in that location due to safety concerns, and the volume of traffic would drain the batteries in a few hours.
There is however, an unused sign post poll, with an electricity supply, just over the bridge. So how about using that supply…
1. Apply for permission to erect a permanent electric sign.
2. Find out the power consumption of the sign, per activation.
3. Find out from LCC that the average number of activations (i.e. vehicles speeding) is 3000 per day!
4. Work with LCC engineers to establish verified unmetered power consumption (a few pounds a year)
5. Apply to SP Energy for a supply number with unmetered supply data.
6. Try and get the hedge cut back sufficiently to expose the hidden sign post.
7. Find an energy supplier… No one wants such a small supply contract.
8. Repeat step 6 and 7 until all will to live is lost.
Turns out there are Steps 9, 10, 11 and 12 involving electricians, cables and hedges (again)……
I’ve just been in touch with Gerry O’Leary, the MD of Arriva Northwest to find when the buses will be back on now that there’s a traffic light system through the emergency sewer works in Lydiate and his reply was “We are sending our buses through from now”..
Mike Wainwright
Chair, Downholland Parish Council
In respect to Planning ALCC/2019/0037 Altar Moss Wellsite, Suttons Lane, Great Altcar, Lancashire:
We have had many strong representations from local residents who wish their voices to be heard and for their concerns to be taken seriously, there is a feeling of powerlessness and also anger that this is being imposed upon us by far off central government.
We therefore wish to relay the following observations, comments and representations.
The Parish Council strongly feel that the application should be
1. Inappropriate
Development in Greenbelt
Whilst the National Planning Policy Framework states at para.146 that ‘certain other forms of development are also not inappropriate in the Green Belt’ and includes both mineral extraction and engineering operations ‘provided they preserve its openness’, it does not state explicitly that buildings associated with these uses could be considered to represent appropriate development.
The proposal includes:
A 37m high work over rig
30m Coil Tower + Injector Goose Neck
13m high silos
18m high lighting towers
12m high structure supporting gas flare
3m high steel fence
Electrician’s and Mechanic’s Workshop
Multiple 80m3 Storage Tanks
Car Parking
These are clearly substantial buildings and constructions,
and not merely engineering operations. They should therefore be considered to
represent inappropriate development in the Green Belt.
2. Failure to qualify “need”
Inappropriate development in the Green Belt can only be justified by
reference to Very Special Circumstances – usually understood to be a need
for the development. In this case, we
say that there is no such need.
Para.2.4 of the Environmental Statement presents the proposal as an opportunity rather than as a necessity. The 2013 study by the British Geological Survey suggested that ‘potentially significant’ gas resources existed in Northern England. However, these are not quantified, and it is not clear or proven how far this small area of proposed exploration might contribute to a ‘significant’, and usable, resource. The application suggests the prospect of oil as well as gas: but oil appears not to have been considered by the BGS study.
3. Failure
to preserve openness.
The application does not meet the requirement to ‘preserve openness’ of
the Green Belt.
3.1 The
openness of the location
The location consists of Grade 1 Agricultural Land in a large area of flat
coastal plain and is open for many miles around
Lancashire County Council’s Character Assessment study, part
of “A Landscape strategy for Lancashire”, describes the location as being
“characterised by the flat or gently undulating farmland of the Coastal Plain”.
(indeed photograph number 1 in the above publication is of
this area)
It is described in the documents accompanying the application as “flat open
landscape” (pt5 in the “Non-Technical Overview” document).
3.2 Impact on Openness
The application contains the admission that “The proposed
development would be visible from a relatively wide area, particular during the
drilling phases” (pt5 in the “Non-Technical Overview” document).
We feel that the following aspects of the development do not “preserve the openness”,
including, but not limited to:
3.3 Response to openness mitigation statement
In regards, to the statement that “The flat open landscape is interrupted in places by frequent transmission line towers”.
The pylons have been part of the landscape for more than 40 years, were justified by government upon the reasoning that they delivered a direct local benefit, they are largely framework structures and are not visible at night
3.4 Response to the mitigation that Hillhouse Waste Water Treatment wind turbines are tall structures that are visible above the skyline.
Justification for the wind farm developments cited ministerial statements by The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (Amber Rudd) in June 2015 and argued that the impact on the landscape needs weighing against the aims of cutting carbon emissions and renewable energy.
In both the above points special dispensation was argued at the time of planning, weighing the public benefit against the impact on the landscape. It does not follow that their presence alone is justification for further developments.
4. Other Forms of Harm
In addition
to the harm to the Green Belt, the proposed development would bring about other
forms of harm. The Applicant must
demonstrate that the need for the development would be sufficient to outweigh
not only the harm to the Green Belt, but also the other forms of harm.
4.1 Harm
We consider that the proposed development has the potential to cause harm in a number of other ways, including but not limited to
5. Inadequate benefit given level of harm and risk
We feel that the potential long-term harm far outweighs the unproven “need” and benefit of this exploratory exercise.
5.1 Potential for contamination of groundwater sources. The lack of detailed adequate safeguards in the application and lack of experience of the applicant in undertakings of this nature are at odds with the “Precautionary Principle” and “Risk Based Approach” of the Environment Agencies Groundwater Protection.
5.2 Potential for harmful impact on wildlife and habitat,
and effect on Agricultural Land.
The adjacent Downholland Moss is a Site Special Scientific Interest
The location consists of Grade 1 Agricultural Land
application fails to adequately address the potential of harm due to a failure
of the protection measures in place, taking one example of the “formation
integrity tests” that the application states will “confirm that a good cement
seal exists” (p42) but does not detail any actions that would be undertaken as
a result of a failure. There is no evidence of contingency, clean-up plans or
mitigation of harm procedures in the event of a failure.
We would agree with the statement that “A failure to meet the above criteria
requires a further, more detailed, consideration of ecological impact” (p84)
The claim that “planning for major accidents and disasters has been undertaken”
is not qualified and no evidence provided.
6. Response to mitigation that the works are
We do not feel that the site being “temporary” is adequate mitigation to
these issues and risks given the length of the proposed works.
While we understand that consideration of the application is limited to this development
only, its stated purpose of being “exploratory drilling” would imply that the impact
will be far from temporary.