Haskayne & Downholland Community Association and Haskayne Village Hall
Haskayne & Downholland Residents Association
Haskayne Local History Group
West Lancs Armed Forces Champion, Councillor Paul Hennessy
You may have noticed that there’s work underway in Jubilee Park where contractors, Parish Councillors and local volunteers are undertaking various jobs. A massive heartfelt thank you to everyone who has come and helped.
Our sculpture celebrating our local agricultural heritage has now been installed on the park. The sculpture was designed, created and installed by Stephen Charnock from Scartworks. Having looked nationwide for an artist who would be able to translate our aims into art, it was great to find a perfect fit locally. Stephen not only has a large portfolio of national projects including the Bridgewater Canal Heritage Project and the Whitehaven Costal Path Project, but he also comes from a local farming background, making him the perfect fit. The 8ft steel sculpture has been well received and is proving popular with park goers (though their dogs aren’t sure yet). The sculpture has been funded by CIL money received from local housing developments including Moor Farm and Tan Pit Farm. The area surrounding the sculpture is being prepared for wildflower planting in the spring.
Here’s what else has been done and what’s ongoing.
We’ve moved the adult gym beams out of the orchard and put them in-line with other equipment.
A bin and picnic bench have been relocated out of the wildflower area to better locations.
A lot of the turf from the wildflower area has been removed. Thanks to Tom Owen.
Trees in the wildflower area and Woodland Walk have been cut back. Thank you to Ele and Stu Gawne.
A new rope fence has been added around the wildflower area. Thank you to Steve Thomas.
The fence surrounding the children’s play area has been cleaned. Thank you to everyone who volunteered and came along with buckets and sponges – a great community effort and it looks great.
Ongoing and planned
Installation of a basketball hoop and raising the heights of the goal posts.
Preparing the wildflower area around the sculpture which will be planted with wildflowers in the spring.
Painting the benches and picnic tables.
Extending the path around the field to the Woodland Walk around the Car Park.
Adding a bug hotel (that we’ve come to call Buggingham Palace) to the Woodland Walk (thanks to the Residents Association)
Get Involved
We’re always looking for more volunteers for a range of projects; at the moment, the wooden play equipment in the park needs a clean and a fresh coat of preservative. You’re welcome to work on your own or as part of team, all materials supplied – get in touch if you’d like to get involved.
The Parish Council would like to send it’s best wishes for a speedy recovery to Pam Arnold (and nurse Richard)
Recent Events Rector Susan Salt talks about the events in Southport and its aftermath, in her article below, better than I ever could. Such events can challenge what it means to be a community, but the community I celebrate was embodied in the elderly lady who said that while she wasn’t physically able to help those who had turned out to sweep up and repair damaged walls, she could, at the very least, make them some toast and a brew.
Enjoy the rest of the summer.
Mike Downholland Parish Council
Monday 29th July 2024 is a date that will be etched in people’s memories with its dreadful reality that three young girls, were stabbed to death as they attended a Taylor Swift dance themed event at the start of the school holidays.
That such a tragedy should happen in Southport has shocked many people. There is no way any of us can make sense of such a random act of violence carried out apparently indiscriminately. We cannot comprehend the set of decisions and circumstances that left 3 children dead and others fighting for their lives in hospital. The fact that such an act was carried out by a 17-year-old, acting alone only adds to our confusion. And it is not for us to make sense of it. That is for the police and the courts.
Our response as communities must be to lament and come together in solidarity with all those who have been bereaved. To pray as we can, to light candles and to commit to being kind to those around us. To stand together and acknowledge all those who have seen things they should never have had to see. To applaud all those who ran into danger and who rescued and protected so many. To be alongside those for whom the events of that Monday reignite painful memories of their own stories.
We must try and stand up for hope and to resist all attempts to divide communities including anger. We cannot know what drove a young man to take a knife and stab so many – but we must not let his acts divide us through fear and recrimination.
Each of us needs to be a beacon of hope and love as well as light in a dark world. To be alongside all those across our communities who are hurting so much. Then God’s love will enable communities and individuals to find a peace beyond understanding and the strength to heal in the months and years to come.
Susan Salt
Wednesday midweek communion 11am at St Thomas’ Followed by refreshments and time to chat. Enjoy meeting old friends and make some new ones. Swap some books, try out a jigsaw or simply chat. No charge but donations to cover costs welcome.
Parent and Toddler Group at St Thomas’ – Thursday mornings, 10.30-12 midday during term time. Restarts Thursday 12th September £4 a family to cover costs – includes a drink and biscuit and craft activity.
Teddy Bears’ Picnic St Thomas’ Vicarage Garden for nursery and reception children. Sunday 8th September 2024 after the 11am Service. Bring a picnic and a teddy bear (and something to sit on)
Sunday 15th September to Sunday 29th September 2024 Slavery and Repentance Exhibition, St Cuthbert’s Halsall We are hosting the exhibition that was first held in Liverpool Anglican Cathedral earlier this year, with a showing of the powerful film “After the flood” on Saturday 21st September in St Cuthbert’s School Hall at 6.30pm.
Church will be open Friday and Saturday 11am to 4pm and Sunday 2-4pm. Other times available by appointment.
Saturday 28th September at 7pm St Thomas’ Lydiate – Organ recital with Professor Ian Tracey. Tickets £10 including a glass of wine and some cheese in the interval. Concessions £5. Under 18s free. Money raised is going to church funds.
Harvest festival for St Thomas is on Sunday October 13th at 11am this year.
Sunday 1st September Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
St Thomas’ Lydiate
Said BCP Communion
St Cuthbert’s Halsall
BCP Holy Communion (No church without walls)
St Thomas’ Lydiate
Common Worship Holy Communion
All are welcome, whether you have been a life-long Christian or are just exploring faith.
The Rector Writes. Over the last few months there has been a lot of work being going on to explore how the churches who have agreed to collaborate within Fit for Mission might work together in practice. Some of you will have enjoyed the joint summer Songs of Praise at St Thomas. Others of you may have taken part in the SHAPE course. Why is all this important? As Christians we are called to love God with all our heart and to share that love with all those we meet. In order to do that, we need to be willing to share our stories and serve our communities. The SHAPE course encouraged us to reflect on what shape we are and what has shaped us – and how we can use our shape to spread the love of God and build up our community.
The next part of thinking about how we are fit for mission and how we help people encounter faith is the Cultivate course. Dare we believe that God acts through us? Dare we risk talking about why faith and church is important to us? Is there some activity that would enable our communities to come together and grow in kindness? We are already well on the way with the parent and toddler group, the luncheon club, the butterflies and bees brigade, coffee mornings and Sunday brunches, but is there more we are being called to do and to be? As we take a bit of a breather in August, whether at home or away, let’s ponder and pray about what God is calling us to next, both as churches and as individuals.
Have a good summer Susan
Hi everyone, it’s great that Downholland Parish Council commissioned the sculpture, which now lives on Haskayne Jubilee Park representing all the valuable work the farmers have done over the years. Many thanks to the Parish Council. It is a great gesture that will be appreciated by the village and the residents.
Upcoming Events
Coach Trip to Liverpool and Afternoon Tea on ‘The Floating Grace’
We are organising a day trip out for any residents available to come. Date to be confirmed. The cost will be £22 per person and the coach will be paid for by the Residents Association. ‘The Floating Grace’ is a boat trip around the Liverpool docks with afternoon tea on board and a commentary about the historical sights on the trip. Anyone wishing to come, get your ticket at the coffee morning, from any committee member, or from Kathy and Roy at ‘The Old Post Office’ (01704 842066)
Madukes – Sat 28 September 2024
Tickets available soon for this ever-popular event at Haskayne Village Hall 7.30 pm. Madukes – Maghull Ukulele band – always provide a great entertaining evening with foot-tapping popular songs from all eras and an opportunity to listen, sing, dance and socialise with your friends.
Children’s Halloween Party
This year’s children’s Halloween party will take place on Sunday 27 October 4.45 pm – 6 pm in Haskayne Village Hall. Mr Styx has been booked to entertain the children. When tickets are available, we will post on social media, advertise though school, and put posters up. Get your tickets early as they went very quickly last year.
Emergency Aid – Bleed Packs
Emergency bleed packs have now been installed alongside the defibrillator at Haskayne Village Hall and in the defibrillator kiosk in Sumner Avenue. These can be accessed in an emergency if an accident or incident causes someone to bleed profusely and can save a life. Always dial 999 and use the kit as advised by the emergency services. We will be running a training course for using these. If you would like to attend, please let Kathy or I know (01704 841066)
Best Kept Garden and Best Hanging Basket
The secret gardener is out and about looking at your front gardens and hanging baskets to decide the winners of the above awards and the winners will be announced in the next KIT and on our Facebook page.
Picnic in the Park 2024 Our picnic in the park was a great success again, although the weather started off a bit cool and may have put a few people off coming. Those who did come enjoyed the sun later in the afternoon. As always, the children loved the races. If you haven’t been before, look out for the date for next year.
Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition 2024/ Litter Picking
Haskayne did not progress to the second round of judging this year, although everyone did well with their litter picking and we made some attempt to clear the weeds in the road gutters, before the borough council eventually came round to spray them.
The Parish Council are making a sterling effort in the Jubilee Park this year thanks to a number of volunteers, and we are very hopeful that this and an early start to clearing the road gutters will pay off in next year’s competition. We will be reminding you to do your bit next year. If everyone can help keep the area that they can see from their own house free of weeds, I am sure we can win an award next year.
Dates for your Diary
Sat 28 September 2024 – Madukes, music evening by Maghull Ukulele Band, always an enjoyable and popular evening.
Children’s Halloween Party – Sun 27 October 2024
Father Christmas – December date to be arranged
Carol Singing around the Christmas Tree – Fri 20 December 2024
The local history group will continue to meet on the first Monday of each month at 7.30 pm at Haskayne Village Hall (except for bank holidays).
Everyone is welcome to attend meetings. We just ask for a £1 donation to cover the cost of the hall if you can.
We would be very interested to hear from anyone who would like to find out about or has any knowledge of the history of the village and bring this to the group or just come along to a meeting or comment on our Facebook page (Haskayne Local History).
Also, we are hoping to put on an exhibition (of information we have found out) sometime this year.
For more information contact Kathy (kathycunliffe@btinternet.com or 07563552236)
Kathy Cunliffe
The Haskayne & Downholland Community Association (HDCA) continue to run our Village Hall. We have a really good team, who all work together to help with the smooth running of the hall and the various activities. We are very grateful for any help we can get, and it has been great to work alongside the Haskayne Residents Association. If anyone else would like to get involved with anything that’s going on at the hall or has any ideas for us to think about, then please get in touch – any help at all is always appreciated!
Our email address for any enquiries is haskaynedca2021@gmail.com or to make a booking, ring Dianne on 01704 840175.
Children’s Parties The Hall is also available for Children’s Parties. A two-hour afternoon party with an hour set up time and half an hour clear away time, costs just £70 with full use of all our facilities. We allow bouncy castles inside the hall as long as they are provided by Boomerang Bouncy Castle Hire, who have lots of different styles and themes, including soft play. Contact Dianne to check availability or to make a booking. Tel: 01704 840175 or 07811775973, or email haskaynedca2021@gmail.com.
Village Hall Activities
Coffee MorningLocal History Group (1st Monday of the month can be subject to change) Body Tone
11am-1pm 7.30pm 6.30-7.30pm
PilatesParish Council Meeting (3rd Tues of month)
9.30-10.30am & 6.30-7.30pm 7.30pm
Body ToneWednesday Club (Last Wednesday of the month can be subject to change) The Cottage Garden Society (3rd Wednesday of the Month September to April)
Bingo Wednesday 2nd October Wednesday 4th December
9.45-10.45am 1.30-3.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm
Available for Hire
Available for Hire
Dogs Trust Dog Training Classes Afternoon Available for Hire
Available for Hire
Coffee Mornings After a short break over summer, our Coffee Mornings continue every Monday morning (apart from Bank Holidays). All are welcome to come along for a chat and a brew and to put the world (or the village!) to rights! Stand up bingo is also played for a small prize. We have free Wi-Fi and a book and jigsaw library. We open from 11am until 1pm and we love to see everyone coming along and catching up with their neighbours and friends. The Post Office at the Pavilion is also usually open around the same time so you can visit the Post Office and pop in for a brew!
MacMillan Coffee Morning Our MacMillan Coffee Morning will take place on Monday the 30th of September 2024, 11am to 1pm. It was very well supported last year, and we managed to raise nearly £900! There will be a raffle, a quiz, stand up bingo, and a pre-loved accessories sale. So put the date in your diary and come along and show your support!
Bingo Our next bingo sessions will take place on the 2nd of October and the 4th of December. It is £5 for a book of 10 games. We also have a raffle and a Winner Takes All which has a cash prize. Free refreshments or bring your own.
Body Tone and Pilates Andrea is now holding four classes a week. Body Tone is on a Monday at 6.30pm and Wednesday at 9.45am and Pilates takes place every Tuesday at 9.30am and again at 6.30pm. The cost is £6. Just bring a mat. Both Body Tone and Pilates are for all abilities. Come along and give it a try! Please contact Andrea, who is a qualified instructor, on 075400 53002 for further information.
Dogs Trust The Dogs Trust Dog School team hold classes at Haskayne Village Hall on Saturday mornings. The classes cover foundation training skills such as settle, recall, loose lead walking and four paws on the floor, to name a few. Puppy classes are up to 18 weeks, adolescent classes from 18 weeks to 18 months and adult classes over 18 months. They also hold one-to-one sessions. If you are interested, then please visit the website
www.dogstrust.org.uk/help-advice/dog-school/ to fill in an enquiry form.
Wednesday Club The Wednesday Club takes place usually on the last Wednesday of the month, but this can be subject to change, 1.30pm to 3.30pm. It costs just £2 with optional bingo £1 and raffle 50p a strip. We start the session with five games of Bingo followed by tea, coffee, homemade cakes and a raffle. Members can also play dominoes or just sit and have a chat and a catch up. Di and Myra look forward to seeing everyone, young and old and offer a very warm welcome to any newcomers.
Cottage Garden Society and Plant Sale The Northwest Cottage Garden Society regularly meet at the Village Hall, usually the third Wednesday of the month. The following talks will be taking place:
Wednesday 18th September 2024 ‘Bulb planting Looking to the Spring’ by Marguerite Hughes. Marguerite is a well-known local horticultural tutor, garden designer and speaker. This evening, she will be giving us a practical guide for planting spring bulbs and creating a bulb lasagne which will be first prize in the raffle.
Wednesday 16th October 2024 ‘Exotic Planting’ by Kathryn Robey. Kathryn was appointed in 2017 as the Curator at the Dorothy Clive Garden, Market Drayton Shropshire. The talk will give us an insight into how we can easily bring a touch of the exotic into our beds and borders. Kathryn will be bringing plants for sale.
Wednesday 20th November 2024 ‘The Cultivation & Propagation of Agapanthus and associated plants, Nerines and associated plants by Colin Hickman. Colin grew up in his successful family plant nursery involving his parents and sister. The Hoyland Plant nursery grows and exhibits unusual South African plants and bulbs. So, we look forward to enjoying Colin’s practical demonstration and his plants which are for sale
Members £1.50, non-members: £3.00, including refreshments. Raffle and plant sales table. Everyone is welcome to come along.
Community Foodbank If anyone wants to donate to our local Foodbanks, please bring any donations to the Village Hall on Monday morning, from 10.30am, or if attending any activities at the hall any other time. There is a box in the main hall to leave any items. Alternatively, please get in touch with Sharon on 07714330430 and we can collect. Thank you!
59er’s Club The HDCA hold a 59er’s club every month to help with fundraising for the Village Hall. It costs just £5 a month and the 1st Prize is £100; 2nd Prize £15 and 3rd Prize £10. There are a few spare numbers and if you would like to join, or for further details, please ring Wendy 07802183100.
Lancashire County Council 0845 053 0000 lancashire.gov.uk
West Lancashire Borough 01695 577177 www.westlancs.gov.uk
KIT is an independent publication funded by Downholland Parish Council. Any views expressed do not necessarily reflect Parish Council Policy. Contributions welcome.
You may have noticed that there’s work underway in Jubilee Park where contractors, Parish Councillors and local volunteers are undertaking various jobs.
A massive heartfelt thank you to everyone who has come and helped out. (More about volunteering below)
Here’s a list of what’s done and what’s ongoing.
Moved the adult gym beams out of the orchard, in-line with the other adult gym equipment.
Moved a bin and picnic bench out of the wildflower area to better locations.
Cut back trees in the Wildflower and Woodland Walk
Removed most of the turf from the wildflower area
The sculpture celebrating our local agricultural heritage has been installed.
A new rope fence has been added around the wildflower / sculpture area.
The fence surrounding the children’s play area has been cleaned.
Preparing the wildflower area around the sculpture.
Painting the benches and picnic tables
Extending the path around the field to the Woodland Walk around the Car Park.
Adding a bug hotel (that we’ve come to call Buggingham Palace) to the Woodland Walk (thanks to the Residents Association)
Get Involved…
If you’d like to get involved and fancy helping out there’s always lots of things to do to make our park even better.
We’re currently looking for volunteers to clean and paint the wooden play equipment with a fresh coat of wood preservative.
Volunteers can work on their own or part of a team – and it’s up to you how much or little you want to do.
Last year Downholland Parish Council commissioned a sculpture for Jubilee Park to celebrate the area’s local agricultural heritage.
The sculpture is funded by CIL money received from the conversion of local farms into housing developments.
Designed, created and installed by a local artist from a farming background (Scartworks), the installation will eventually be surrounded by grasses and wildflower.
From 21 July 2024 Arriva will revise the timetable, with minor adjustments to some school holiday journeys to match school day journey times.
Preston Bus Summer timetables
From 22 July 2024, Preston Bus will introduce several timing revisions to their network for the summer holiday season, including some general timing amendments to overall service reliability, on the following services:
From 21 July 2024 Transdev’s The Blackburn Bus Company, in partnership with Lancashire County Council utilising funding from HM Government through the Bus Service Improvement Plan, will enhance evening service provision on the route with additional Monday to Thursday journeys.
The 2200 & 2300 Friday and Saturday journeys between Preston and Blackburn will now operate all week Monday to Saturday.
The 2028 & 2128 departures from Burnley to Blackburn, that extend through to Preston on Friday and Saturday will also now operate all week Monday to Saturday.
There will also be several timing revisions across the whole timetable to improve overall service reliability.
Service 113 Preston – Gregson Lane – Bamber Bridge – Lostock Hall – Leyland Lft 21
From 21 July 2024 Lancashire County Council, utilising funding from HM Government through the Bus Service Improvement Plan, will introduce a regular Monday to Saturday evening service throughout the route.
These new Monday to Saturday evening return journeys from Preston to Leyland will run generally every hour departing Preston at 1835, 1940, 2040, 2140 & 2240, with a shorter journey at 2320 terminating at Lostock Hall, and returning from Leyland at 1924, 2024, 2124 & 2224.
There will be some minor adjustments to the morning Monday to Friday peak time journeys to improve reliability.
Vision Bus will continue to operate this service on behalf of Lancashire County Council.
Service 481 Rawtenstall – Haslingden – Blackburn
From 21 July 2024 Transdev Rosso in partnership with Lancashire County Council, utilising funding from HM Government through the Bus Service Improvement Plan, will enhance evening service provision on the route with additional journeys
These new Monday to Saturday evening journeys are as follows:
2036 & 2206 from Rawtenstall to Blackburn, and 2336 from Rawtenstall to Haslingden
1947, 2117 & 2247 from Blackburn to Rawtenstall
There will also be several timing revisions across the whole timetable to improve overall service reliability.
Service 483 Rawtenstall – Water – Burnley
From 21 July 2024 Transdev Rosso in partnership with Lancashire County Council, utilising funding from HM Government through the Bus Service Improvement Plan, will enhance evening service provision on the route with additional journeys
These new Monday to Saturday evening journeys are as follows:
2308 from Rawtenstall to Burnley
2120 & 2220 from Burnley to Rawtenstall
There will also be several timing revisions across the whole timetable to improve overall service reliability.
West Lancs Armed Forces Champion, Councillor Paul Hennessy
Haskayne & Downholland Community Association and Haskayne Village Hall
Haskayne & Downholland Residents Association
Haskayne Local History Group
Nitrous Oxide Canisters We continue to see a lot of little silver Nitrous Oxide canisters left on the park and car park. As of November, it has become illegal to possess and heavy nitrous oxide use can result in serious health harms such as neurological damage. Nitrous Oxide deaths average one per week in the UK. www.talktofrank.com/drug/nitrous-oxide
Community Infrastructure Levy Projects The Parish Council receives 15% of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) that is paid to the Borough Council when local developments are undertaken. We have historically spent this money on the park, bus shelters and other infrastructure within the community. The monies received from the Chisnall Brook development went on refurbishing the park, adding a path, equipment, and BMX Track.
Current ideas for projects include gateway “Welcome to Downholland” signs and the Parish Council has agreed to have a local artist, from a farming background, produce a metalwork sculpture to celebrate our local agricultural heritage. The design depicts a farm worker with a scythe at work and will be constructed in the wildflower area of the park next year.
If you’ve any thoughts or ideas, you’d be most welcome to come and share them – our meetings are the third Tuesday in the month, 7:30 at the Village Hall.
Defibrillator Training I was pleased to attend a very informative training session at the Village Hall in September, organised by the Residents Association. A good turn out and a very worthwhile evening.
Jubilee Field The park has had another successful year and continues to be well used. The Parish Council are continually improving the facilities and are in the process of replacing old signs and have recently finished work on installing a rope cordon to protect the orchard and spring bulbs. (Thank you to Councillor Steve Thomas for all his hard work)
Thank you also to Parish Councillors, residents, and members of the Residents Association for all their work on the park, along with James Forshaw, our grounds contractor, and his team, and to our staff Dave Bond and Andrea Little.
Remembrance I was proud to represent the Parish at the recent Remembrance services at Our Lady’s and St Thomas Churches. The Parish Council has been approached by local resident Stephen Henders about having a form of permanent memorial to those of our Parish who served in the World Wars, you can read Stephen’s contribution in this edition of KIT.
Community Shop Thank you to Maggie Lloyd for all her efforts in trying to establish a community shop in Haskayne. Unfortunately, there was insufficient interest or offers of help forthcoming.
Christmas As usual I’ll be driving Santa’s sleigh around Haskayne again this year, look out for him on Saturday 16 December, more details in the Residents Association’s article in this edition, along with details of other events taking place.
On behalf of myself and the Parish Council I’d like to wish you all are very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thank you.
Mike Wainwright
Downholland Parish Council
What sort of memories do you have from Christmas past? For me, as a child, the excitement certainly started when the Christmas tree, with all its baubles, lights, and tinsel, was brought down from the attic. That was usually around mid-December, and it marked the start of a time when everything was just that little bit different and normal routines were laid aside for a while. My parents enjoyed some time off work and family members gathered at our house for Christmas dinner. It was, of course, great to be off school as well!
Maybe that was not a very holy view of Christmas, but it does make me think now of one very important aspect of the incarnation (God being born and living with us on earth). When Jesus came into the world, he came to make a difference. Whether he truly understood just what an impact he would make we can only guess at, but in the end, he changed things so much that the majority of the world now measures dates and seasons based on the time of his birth.
With this in mind, it seems right that the way we mark Christmas should be special, allowing us to depart from our daily routine. For some that means more partying, but even amongst the rowdiest of parties the name of Christ is uttered without shame or embarrassment (even if it is not obvious to all that he is what ‘Christ-mass’ is all about!). For others it might mean a trip to the local church to join in with some carols at one of our services. Even for those already committed, it means worshipping at different times and with the crib always in view, bringing home that message that “God so loved his world that he sent his only son to be born and die for each of us.”
Christmas should be different, but we must go beyond simply marking it out as a special season. If Jesus came to make a difference, it is up to us to make sure that we too make a difference in the world. And the world today, more than ever, needs to hear a different message that speaks of peace, mutual respect and hope not anger, division and hopelessness.
May the peace of Christ dwell in you this Christmas time and be your inspiration in the coming year.
Why not try and make space for Christ this Christmas?
St Thomas, Church Lane, Lydiate, L31 4HL
Sunday Dec 3rd 4pm Christingle Service
Monday Dec 4th 7pm Advent Quiet Service, the word made flesh.
Monday Dec 11th 6.30pm Scout & Guide Carol Service
Sunday Dec 17th 7pm Light in the darkness, Carol Service for the bereaved
Monday Dec 18th 7pm Advent Quiet Service, Jesus our salvation
Sunday Dec 24th 11pm Midnight Christmas Eucharist
Monday Dec 25th 9am Christmas Day BCP Communion
11am All Age Christmas Eucharist
Thursday Dec 28th 7pm A service for Holy Innocents. We remember children and babies who have died
We are canvassing support for a place where the men who went to the World Wars from this parish can be honoured. It was decided, by the War Commission after World War I, that soldiers should be commemorated on the memorial of the nearest village or town to which they were linked. The Parish Council of Downholland was still relatively new when war broke out in 1914 consequently the church parishes were still used when it came to recording the fallen and burying their remains and Downholland did not have a church only a mission at Barton. We therefore have men who went to war from Barton, Haskayne and Downholland commemorated on the memorials in Halsall St Cuthbert, in St Thomas Lydiate and in Our Lady Catholic Church in Lydiate. In my research I have found the names of thirteen men from our parish who made the ultimate sacrifice, and they are listed below with their association to this parish.
Arthur Green 1943. Husband of Eva Green of Haskayne buried in Birkdale cemetery.
James Craven 1917. Son of William & Margaret of Barton Lane not on local monuments.
George Charles 1917. Of Station Rd and Barton Station recorded on the Halsall monument.
Ernest Sharrock 1942. Son of Hannah, licensee of the Kings Arms recorded on the Halsall monument.
Peter Sharrock 1918. Son of Hannah, licensee of the Kings Arms recorded on the Halsall monument.
Henry Rawlinson 1917. Married to Mrs J Rawlinson of Haskayne recorded on the Halsall & Lydiate monuments.
Edward Townsend 1917. Of Hollinshead farm, Haskayne recorded on the Halsall monument & roll of honour.
Robert Halsall 1918. Of Rosemary Lane recorded on the Halsall monument.
J Halsall 1943. Of Downholland recorded on the Kohima gate Halsall field.
J J Knowles 1917. Of Barton recorded on the Halsall monument.
Richard Rimmer 8/8/1916. Grandson of Richard Mary of Barton. 1911 census worked on local farms. 11803 Thiepval KLR age 20 1st battalion. Son of Richard & Ann of Lowood Street Liverpool.
Haskayne is now the civic centre of the Parish of Downholland, and we have a splendid Village Hall courtesy of the HDCA, and a flagpole erected recently by the Downholland Residents Association. The aim of the project is to identify those lads who gave their lives from our parish in some material form as a way of recognition and to inform the Commonwealth War Graves Commission of our intent upon verification of the detail.
Additionally, there are soldiers who served and survived.
Tom Ashcroft. promoted to Sergeant.
Edmund Orritt wounded married a girl from Haskayne.
Hugh Alty driver wounded.
John Sharrock RAF 1918
Henry Bond Ivy farm Barton
William Bond, Ivy farm Barton
If you could contribute to this project with detail of a member of your family from Downholland who served in the World Wars, please contact me.
Stephen Henders 07908 688167 or the Downholland History Group.
The last few months have been very busy at County Hall. Firstly, I failed to be re-elected at WLBC in the seat I have held for 33-year Aughton and Downholland. I understand why it because of what’s been happening at Parliament. However, residents tend to get confused over the different strands of Government. Local councillors have no input or decision making at Westminster.
As far as LCC is concerned we continue to reduce the massive deficit we inherited whilst improving services in every department. The two largest departments are Children’s Services (including schools, children’s homes, looked after children, foster children and children with special needs) and Adult Services (including a very large number of homes for the elderly, visits to elderly people in their own homes and day centres). The cost of these services alone runs into millions of pounds.
We continue to repair roads across the county but it’s extremely difficult in the very bad weather we have experienced. I understand that October was the wettest on record. You cannot fill at pothole in those conditions.
As many of you will know I am the Chairman of Lancashire Fire and Rescue. This year saw youths attacking Fire Fighters with rockets and other types of fireworks plus throwing missiles at both fire crew and fire engines. A rise in parts of my Division in Anti-Social behaviour perpetrated by young people.
While writing about the Fire Authority. We have had number of extremely dangerous fires recently at waste transfer sites as a result of people disposing of Vapes in their general waste. These things have Lithium batteries which can be extremely volatile and burst into flames thus igniting everything around them.
A recent example was a waste site a Chorley which blazed for hours and requiring six fire engines and crews until late the next morning.
The message is DON’T dispose Vapes in the general waste and better still don’t even use them at all.
I still have some money to distribute for projects and organisations in my division, tell me if you need help.
Two major requirements. Bank account and a Constitution.
Have you ever been a member of the Armed Services? If would you like to talk to like-minded people or need any assistance in your day-to-day life, please contact me and have a chat.
Strong & FHIT invites you to its new ‘Wellness’ class designed specifically for individuals aged 55 and over. This specialised class takes place every Thursday at 11am and meets the unique needs and abilities of individuals in this age group. The focus will be on building strength, improving balance, and improving overall fitness levels. Come along and join the fun – we are located on Downholland Business Park next to the ‘Canalside Cafe’. Call Nicole on 07730582033 to find out more and book your place.
Hello everyone.
Christmas is just round the corner, and I hope you have an enjoyable time with your Christmas festivities. I hope you are all well and find the following information interesting.
Family Fun Quiz
Our thanks to Alan and Nikki Raven and their children for their hard work in putting on a fun evening and to Shirley for organising the raffle. The event raised £322.35 which has been divided between the Community Association and the Residents Association.
Children’s Halloween Party
This year’s children’s Halloween party seemed to be enjoyed by all those who came. The tickets were a sellout. Dozy Dave was a brilliant entertainer who kept the children’s attention. The quiet room with biscuit decorating and colouring was busy all afternoon.
Christmas Events 2023 Carol Singing around the Christmas Tree will take place on Friday 22nd December, 6.30 pm at Haskayne Village Hall followed by a hot drink and mince pies in the hall.
Father Christmas will visit Barton on Friday 15 December and Haskayne on Saturday 16 December. Look out for him and his elves calling door to door with his Christmas Lights and music, handing out presents to the children. Any money collected will be used to benefit the local community. You can follow Father Christmas’ progress round the village by looking on Haskayne Downholland and Barton community Facebook page.
Picnic in the Park Following the great success of the Coronation Picnic in the Park this year we have been asked by many people to make this an annual summer event. So, we have decided to have a Family Picnic in the Park, just look out for the date in a future KIT or on our Facebook page. For those who have not been before there will be races for the children, games, quizzes, treasure hunt, tombola. Bring your own picnic. Refreshments and cakes available in the hall.
Calling all young people in Downholland We would like to put on something for young people in Downholland. We would like to hear from any 12 -18-year-olds for suggestions as to what we might be able to organise with them. You can let us know your ideas by text or what’s app (07563552236 Kathy Cunliffe) or by phone, email, Facebook or message to (01704 841066, roycunliffe@btinternet.com, Facebook Page: Haskayne & Downholland Residents Association)
Defibrillator training Two sessions were held at Haskayne Village Hall in September each attended by 12-14 people. Steve Bousefield gave an excellent session on what to do in an emergency and why. We are grateful to him for freely giving up his time. We intend to put on something similar on an annual basis and hope that as many people as possible can attend.
Emergency Aid – Bleed Packs
Haskayne has two defibrillators available to the community. One is outside the Village Hall. To access this dial 999 and the ambulance service will give you the code. The other is in the former phone kiosk in Sumner Avenue, which is accessible without any code. There is a third one inside Haskayne School, available when the school is open.
As a result of the training Haskayne Residents Association has purchased two bleed packs, for use in the case of an accident where someone is bleeding profusely. These will be placed in the defibrillator cabinets alongside the defibrillators. If you need to use one of these packs or a defibrillator always ring 999 so the ambulance service can talk you through what to do while the ambulance is on its way.
We have also purchased 20 face masks to minimise risk of infection when giving CPR. If anyone who has had some training in CPR and feels confident to do it would like one of these to keep in their wallet please contact Kathy (kathycunliffe@btinternet.com) 01704 841066.
Dates for your Diary
Sat 2 March 2024 – Music and dance: Andy Eastwood, singer/musician and disco.
Sat 28 September 2024 – Madukes
Picnic in The Park – date to be confirmed – probably early June 2024
Facebook Page: Haskayne & Downholland Residents Association
Haskayne Local History Group
The local history group will continue to meet on the first Monday of each month at 7.30 pm at Haskayne Village Hall (except for bank holidays).
Everyone is welcome to attend meetings. We just ask for a £1 donation to cover the cost of the hall if you can.
The programme for next year will be published shortly. If you have any suggestions for the programme for next year, please let Kathy know. We would be very interested to hear from anyone who would like to find out about or has any knowledge of the history of the village and bring this to the group or just come along to a meeting or comment on our Facebook page (Haskayne Local History).
Also, we are hoping to put on an exhibition of information we have found out sometime next year.
For more information contact Kathy (kathycunliffe@btinternet.com or 07563 552236)
Kathy Cunliffe
Our Village Hall is really busy at the moment with lots of events and activities going on. We have a really good team, who all work together to help with the smooth running of the hall and the various activities. We are very grateful for any help we can get, and it has been great to work alongside the Haskayne Residents Association. If anyone else would like to get involved with anything that’s going on at the hall, please get in touch – any help at all is always appreciated!
Warm Space / Coffee Mornings As we are heading into the winter months, our Warm Space is open to all to come along and enjoy some hot food and refreshments. We have free wi-fi and a book and jigsaw library. We also have the odd game of badminton! None of us are very good, but we have a laugh trying! Stand up bingo is also played for a small prize. We open from 11am until 1pm and we love to see everyone coming along and catching up with their neighbours and friends.
Pilates Pilates takes place every Tuesday 9.30-10.30am. The cost is £6. Just bring a mat. The benefits include increased core strength, improved posture, reduced back pain, increased energy, reduced stress, and improved flexibility and mobility. Please contact Andrea, who is a qualified instructor, on 075400 53002 for further information.
Dogs Trust The Dogs Trust Dog School team hold classes at Haskayne Village Hall on Saturday mornings. The classes cover foundation training skills such as settle, recall, loose lead walking and four paws on the floor, to name a few. Puppy classes are up to 18 weeks, adolescent classes from 18 weeks to 18 months and adult classes over 18 months. If you are interested, then please visit the website
www.dogstrust.org.uk/help-advice/dog-school/ to fill in an enquiry form.
Bingo Our next bingo is our Christmas one on Wednesday 6th December and there will be lots of Christmassy prizes to be won. We don’t charge an entrance fee and it is £5 for a book of 10 games. We also have a raffle and a Winner Takes All which has a cash prize. We will be serving free drinks and mince pies, but you can bring your own if you like. All proceeds go towards the upkeep of the hall.
Craft Fayre Southport, Crafts, Arts and Preloved items are holding their Christmas Fayre on Sunday the 10th of December from 11am until 3pm when Spiderman is also making an appearance! For further details or to book a table, please contact Cath email cregan192@yahoo.com or check out their Facebook page.
Wednesday Club The Wednesday Club takes place usually on the last Wednesday of the month, but this can be subject to change, 1.30pm to 3.30pm. It costs just £2 with optional bingo £1 and raffle 50p a strip. We start the session with five games of Bingo followed by tea, coffee, homemade cakes, and a raffle. Members can also play dominoes or just sit and have a chat and a catch up. Di and Myra look forward to seeing everyone, young and old and offer a very warm welcome to any newcomers.
Cottage Garden Society and Plant Sale The Cottage Garden Society will be meet regularly at the hall, normally on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Everyone welcome to come along. It is just £3 for non-members. Regular speakers attend at the meetings and there will be plants for sale. You can ask questions and get advice and tips on growing, then sit and chat over a tea or coffee with homemade cakes. Check us out on our website www.nwcgs.org.uk for more information.
Community Foodbank If anyone wants to donate to our local Foodbanks, please bring any donations to the Village Hall on Monday morning, from 10.30am, or if attending any activities at the hall any other time. There is a box in the main hall to leave any items. Alternatively, please get in touch with Sharon on 07714330430 and we can collect. Thank you!
59er’s Club The HDCA hold a 59er’s club every month to help with fundraising for the Village Hall. It costs just £5 a month and the 1st Prize is £100, 2nd Prize £15 and 3rd Prize £10. There are a few spare numbers and if you would like to join, or for further details, please ring Wendy 07802183100.
Children’s Parties The Hall is also available for Children’s Parties. A two-hour party with an hour set up time and half an hour clear away time, costs just £60 with full use of all our facilities. We allow bouncy castles inside the hall as long as they are provided by Boomerang Bouncy Castle Hire. Contact Dianne to check availability or to make a booking. Tel: 01704 840175 or 07811775973, or email haskaynedca2021@gmail.com.
Hall Hire The Village Hall is available for private hire. It is well equipped with excellent facilities and in a lovely setting. We also have two smaller meeting rooms that can be hired. The Children’s Party Packages are just £60 which includes full use of the facilities and set up and tidy up time. We allow bouncy castles at the hall (not many do) as long as it is booked through Boomerang Bouncy Castles and Soft Play. The hall does get a lot of party bookings so don’t leave it too late to get in touch to book your date.
For further information or to book the hall, contact us on 01704 840175 or email haskaynedca@gmail.com
Follow our Facebook and Instagram “Haskayne Village Hall” for all up to date information.
For those who are not on social media, get in touch via email and we’ll put you on our email list for any upcoming events.
Village Hall Activities
Warm Space / Coffee Morning Local History Group (1st Monday of the Month)
11am – 1pm 7.30pm
Parish Council Meeting (3rd Tues of month)
Wednesday Club (Last Wednesday of the month but can be subject to change) The Cottage Garden Society (Last Wednesday of the month September to April)
1.30-3.30pm 7.30pm
Available for Hire
Available for Hire
Dogs Trust Dog Training Classes Afternoon Available for Hire
Available for Hire
KIT is an independent publication funded by Downholland Parish Council. Any views expressed do not necessarily reflect Parish Council Policy. Contributions welcome.
At their July 2023 meeting, Downholland Parish Council approved “a proposal that, in principle,the Pavilion be used as a community shop”.
The Pavilion is the building on School Lane, Haskayne in front of the the Village Hall.
The Community Village Shop project is being run by local residents, if you’d like to know more or get involved there’s a sign up session on 23rd July 2023 from 9am to 11am- in the Pavilion on School Lane.
More details can be found via the Groups Facebook event
Your usual places of work will be Haskayne Pavilion and Playing Field.
Your normal hours of work are 10 hours per month.
£110.30 paid monthly by standing order on the 1st day of each month.
Expenses will be paid on production of receipts
Pavilion: Weekly
Ensure the kitchen is kept clean/tidy & all rubbish/waste removed to outside collection area.
Any tea towels/dish cloths should be washed regularly. Keep crockery/utensils clean & put away. Ensure all surfaces, cupboard doors etc., are clean & dust free & all areas including walls are free of cobwebs. Any problem with ants should be reported to the Clerk.
Mop all floors & vacuum mats. Ensure stocks of cleaning products/toilet paper and hand towels are maintained.
Lock the pavilion securely at the end of your visit.
Report any potential dangers or risks to the Parish Clerk.
Park: Three times a week
Walk around the park, woodland area & car park, removing all litter, rubbish & any dog waste into bags using grabber, scoop, gloves & eye protection provided
Empty all bins, change all bin liners and ensure bags of rubbish are left in the appropriate place for collection by West Lancashire Borough Council.
Report any potential dangers or risks to the Parish Clerk.