
A5147 Closure for surface dressing

Daily from 0930 hours to 1500 hours
from Thursday 20th March 2025 until Friday 28th March 2025

The temporary prohibition is necessary to allow carriageway surface dressing
works to be carried out.

Vehicular access for residents will be maintained whenever and wherever possible. Pedestrian access to properties will always be maintained.

An alternative route for vehicular traffic affected by the closure is via:-A570 Southport Road – Liverpool Road North – A59 Northway – A59 Liverpool
Road – A59 Holborn Hill – A59 County Road – Southport Road and vice versa


Flood Risk Management Drop In Event

The county council’s Flood Risk Management team has made arrangements to use the large meeting room at Ormskirk Civic Hall on Thursday 6 March, for a drop-in event running from 3.30pm to 7.30pm in support of people who have experienced flooding to their homes, business premises and farmland in any of the rainstorms that have impacted West Lancashire over the winter.

The event will be staffed by officers from the county council, West Lancashire Borough Council, the Environment Agency and United Utilities plc, all of whom know the district well and can advise on localised drainage issues, what has been learned from site-specific investigations, and how drainage problems are being corrected or overcome in different ways.

We will also have Flood Hub team members with us, who can advise on understanding flood risks, and flood preparedness/resilience for residents, businesses and land owners who find themselves at repeated risk of flooding.

We would be very grateful if you would pass this information on to your communities where people might appreciate this opportunity for personalised support.

If you have any particular questions about the event, please fell welcome to contact me directly.



1st April 2025 – 31st October 2025


Downholland has a very popular, well-maintained park, attracting lots of visitors daily, with something of interest all year round. 

We have a large open grassed area, surrounded by an Orchard, a BMX track, Children’s play area, Wildflower Meadow under construction & a Woodland Walk with planting. Spring bulbs are planted in abundance, in the Orchard & pockets around the park.

The Parish Council welcomes bids from experienced contractors who set high standards & pride themselves on the quality of their work & attention to detail.

Separate tenders are invited for the maintenance of the Haskayne playing field and hedges as described in the attached specifications.

Contractors must be able to show evidence of Public Liability insurance, Risk Assessment, Health and Safety policies and be qualified and licensed to use weedkiller.

Tenders by post in a sealed envelope clearly marked TENDER to the clerk, 3 Rawlinson Grove, Southport PR9 9NF or by email to  

To be received no later than 5.00 pm Friday 14th March.

Specification obtainable from the:

Clerk to the Council 3 Rawlinson Grove, Southport PR9 9NF.

Please note Standing Order 64 regarding the canvassing of councillors or the Clerk apply to this tender.

Grass Cutting every 2 weeks   From the beginning of April to the end of October    Main field, Children’s Play Area, BMX Track Sides, Play Mounds, grassed areas surrounding Village Hall, Pavilion & Downholland Cross – avoiding bulb planting.  

The Orchard and Downholland Cross areas to be left until mid-May to avoid flowering bulbs.   The standard of grass when cut should be of a good standard.

All grass cuttings should be removed and swept off any hard surfaces. Before mowing, all debris should be removed.      Where bulbs are planted around the park & at Downholland Cross, they should be allowed to die back & turn yellow before being cut back.  
     Strimming – every 4 weeks.    From the beginning of April to the end of October  All boundaries around the outer perimeter of the park,  hedge lines, the  corner area between the Children’s Play Area & down to the Public Footpath, the verge alongside the public footpath from the canal to School Lane, the verge running along School Lane  between the footpath and the boundary with Moorcroft Cottage next to the Village Hall (avoiding  Daffodils when in season) &  the grassed area at the side & back of the Village Hall which should be  mowed/strimmed.

All suckers, brambles, nettles & self-sown trees shall be removed from these areas.  
Spraying – every 8 weeks.   April/June/August/October    The path running around the Park, taking care to spray up to and including the edging boards & around/behind benches, the Children’s Play Area, which should be checked for signs of weeds growing around/under Play Equipment & around the edges of the rubberised safety surfaces, the BMX Track, the grassed areas abutting flagged paving & all joints to flagged areas, except the paved area around the Village Hall, which should be cleared of weeds physically. 

The roadside verge to be sprayed where it reaches the pavement to stop encroachment.      
Additions – every 2 weeks

From the beginning of April to the end of October  
Any dead or dangerous tree branches should be reported to the Clerk. This should include any low hanging branches which could cause injury.   Suckers should be removed from the base/trunk of trees.   For clarity, the Contractor shall meet with the Clerk or their representative every alternate month, so any points of concern can be discussed.   Should the Contractor feel, it would be good practice to carry out any ‘one off’ tasks, they should contact the Clerk before proceeding.  

Road Closure Extension – Old Moss Lane, Downholland

Temporary immediate road closure extension for the immediate closure on Old Moss Lane, Downholland, which will now be in place until Saturday 24th January 2026 to enable urgent repair works to Mossbridge Station Bridge to take place.


Initial Notification – Planned Continuous Road Closure – School Lane, Downholland – 18/01/2025 to 19/01/2025

Details of a proposed temporary continuous road closure on School Lane, Downholland from Saturday 18th January 2025, until Sunday 19th January 2025 to enable water connection replacement works to be undertaken by Network Plus on behalf of United Utilities.





Dave Bond, Parish Clerk

Tel: 01704 534090


Pavilion and playing field cleaner


Your usual places of work will be Haskayne Pavilion and Playing Field.


Your normal hours of work are 14 hours per month.


£170.16  paid monthly by standing order on the 1st day of each month.


Expenses will be paid on production of receipts


Pavilion: Weekly

Ensure the kitchen is kept clean/tidy & all rubbish/waste removed to outside collection area.

Any tea towels/dish cloths should be washed regularly. Keep crockery/utensils clean & put away. Ensure all surfaces, cupboard doors etc., are clean & dust free & all areas including walls are free of cobwebs. Any problem with ants should be reported to the Clerk.

Mop all floors & vacuum mats. Ensure stocks of cleaning products/toilet paper and hand towels are maintained.

Clean/sanitise the toilet/wash basin.

Keep outside doors/handles & railings clean & sanitised.

Lock the pavilion securely at the end of your visit.

Report any potential dangers or risks to the Parish Clerk. 

Park: Three times a week

Walk around the park, woodland area & car park, removing all litter, rubbish & any dog waste  into  bags using grabber, scoop, gloves & eye protection provided

Empty all bins, change all bin liners and ensure bags of rubbish are left in the appropriate place for collection by West Lancashire Borough Council.

Inspect Play Equipment and report any potential dangers or risks to the Parish Clerk. 


Complete a review form confirming that scheduled grounds maintenance jobs have been completed


Downholland & Lydiate Roll of Honour

First World War

George Allin
Ewan Blackledge
John Bond
Herman Bradley
Bruno Bradley
James Cheetham
Thomas Cox
Patrick B Cox
John Culshaw
John Draper
Harry Fawcett
Herbert Finch
William Hampson
William Hodge
William Henry Hunt
George Lowe
George Ernest Norris
Thomas Pye
James Pye
Henry Rawlinson
William Rothwell
Peter Sharrock
Edward Townsend
James White

Second World War

James Boyde
Norman Cookson
Alfred Draper
Maximillian Draper
Arthur Green
John Halsall
Eric Moultrie
James Mullany
Harold Quinn
John Underwood
Robert Worthington
Thomas Gerard Coonan
John Hesketh
Richard Pope


Invitation To Tender (ITT) for Haskayne Field and Hedge Maintenance


Downholland has a very popular, well-maintained park, attracting lots of visitors daily, with something of interest all year round. 

We have a large open grassed area, surrounded by an Orchard, a BMX track, Children’s play area, Wildflower Meadow under construction & a Woodland Walk with planting. Spring bulbs are planted in abundance, in the Orchard & pockets around the park.

The Parish Council welcomes bids from experienced contractors who set high standards & pride themselves on the quality of their work & attention to detail.

Full Details available here


Meeting about Flooding in Scarisbrick


Closure of LCC Bridge no. 2196 (Old Moss Lane)

Downholland Parish Council has received the following information from Lancashire County Council –

We have no further information yet but will endeavour to find out more.

LCC Bridge no. 2196 Mossbridge Station carries C103 Old Moss Lane, Downholland over the disused railway line which is now the Cheshire Lines Cycle Path at grid reference 332934,408363.

The route provides a link between Haskayne, Downholland and Formby. The bridge is owned and maintained National Highways Historic Railways Estates (HRE). A weight restriction of 3tonnes has been in place on the bridge since 1998.

HRE informed Lancashire County Council yesterday that the condition of the bridge has now deteriorated to a state where it is no longer safe to carry traffic and have formally requested that we close the bridge to traffic. The road closure has been initiated this morning and will also include the installation of a signed diversion route. A press release based on this briefing note will be issued later today.