
Closure of LCC Bridge no. 2196 (Old Moss Lane)

Downholland Parish Council has received the following information from Lancashire County Council –

We have no further information yet but will endeavour to find out more.

LCC Bridge no. 2196 Mossbridge Station carries C103 Old Moss Lane, Downholland over the disused railway line which is now the Cheshire Lines Cycle Path at grid reference 332934,408363.

The route provides a link between Haskayne, Downholland and Formby. The bridge is owned and maintained National Highways Historic Railways Estates (HRE). A weight restriction of 3tonnes has been in place on the bridge since 1998.

HRE informed Lancashire County Council yesterday that the condition of the bridge has now deteriorated to a state where it is no longer safe to carry traffic and have formally requested that we close the bridge to traffic. The road closure has been initiated this morning and will also include the installation of a signed diversion route. A press release based on this briefing note will be issued later today.